Sunday, August 8, 2010


Youtube sensation Antoine Dodson is setting the internet ablaze with his news interview given this weekend (August 1). The video causes some to laugh, and others shame, because it somewhat depicts black people in a negative light. It’s almost like, are you really out here saying this…on the news, live? Story has it that Dodson’s sister was raped, but that whole idea seemed to fly out the window with Dodson’s interview and remixed song. The guy now has over 17,000 friends on facebook in 2 DAYS, and shirts and bumper stickers to come. But at the end of the day, he is a person by himself, and has his own opinion and expression. So in this post, you will see the real news report, then the autotune version (second video). I guarantee by the end of the second video, you’ll be humming ‘Hide ya kids, hide ya wife".

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